Family Sized Meals Bundle #2 - 12 Meals (2 Meals for Six)

Family Sized Meals Bundle #2 - 12 Meals (2 Meals for Six)

Pkg 6 Svg $382.99
No Dssrt 6 Svg $271.99

Two more Family Sized Meals, to keep your family fed well! *Note: Some items in this bundle require cooking in the oven. Those are marked with an (RC).

Bundle Description

  1. Potato & Cheese Pierogi - 6 svgs, Buttered Carrots- 6 svgs, Minestrone Soup- 6 svgs
  2. Chicken Cordon Bleu - 6 svgs, Mashed Sweet Potatoes- 6 svgs, French Bread - 6 svgs
  1. Tiramisu
  2. Panna Cotta with Raspberry Sauce