Adjust Your Diet to Manage Wheat Sensitivity
If you scope out the bathroom at a restaurant before you even look at a menu because you're worried about how you might feel after eating, you're not alone. A lot of people have digestive problems or allergies to certain types of foods that can cause stomach discomfort or bowel-related problems.
For a lot of people, that shows up in the form of Celiac disease or a diagnosed allergy or sensitivity to gluten. But what if your doctor evaluates your symptoms and finds that gluten doesn't appear to be the issue? You may have an allergy or sensitivity to wheat, according the findings of a study at Columbia University.
It's called non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Researchers believe that when some people consume foods made from wheat (breads, cereals, pastas, pastries, etc.), it triggers an immune system reaction that can damage the intestines and interfere with digestion. Other symptoms of non-celiac wheat sensitivity can show up as neurological issues and chronic fatigue.
For people with non-celiac wheat sensitivity, eliminating foods made from wheat (as well as gluten) can improve bowel health and digestion. And that's important. Being able to identify the source of food allergies can help you adjust your diet to improve your health and quality of life.
If you want to go gluten free or steer clear of foods made from wheat, check out our selection of Gluten-Free meal packs, entrees, and snacks. We'll help you take the guesswork out of grocery shopping to accommodate a gluten-free and wheat-free diet, and get dinner on the table in just minutes. Following a wheat sensitivity diet to avoid foods that contain gluten or wheat can also give you peace of mind, knowing that you can still eat healthy without worrying about where to find the nearest bathroom.