Discover the Impact of Stem Cell Therapy on Renal Disease

At 72 years old, California resident Sharon Qualseth didn’t feel right. Maybe it was old age, or maybe it was something else. She always felt fatigued. Her back hurt. Even lying in bed was uncomfortable, and her skin was itchy. And her symptoms slowly seemed to be getting worse.

Then she went to see her doctor to get an annual exam. Blood test results showed that Sharon was on the verge of kidney failure, and dialysis may be necessary. Not the kind of news she wanted to hear. So when her doctor recommended stem cell therapy to treat damaged kidneys, she was willing to listen.

Stem cell therapy is a relatively new medical procedure designed to treat kidney disease. Here’s how it works. Healthy stem cells are removed from one part of your body. Then those stem cells are directed to your kidneys to help grow new cells to replace the damaged cells. The process typically only takes a couple of hours, and many patients begin to experience benefits the same day.

“I started feeling better and better and better,” says Qualseth.

Getting stem cell therapy had a big impact on her health and quality of life. Itchy skin was no longer a problem. Healthy oils returned to her skin. Her appetite improved. She had more energy. Feeling better made it easier to eat healthy foods and drink more water.

“All I can say is this is a miracle,” Qualseth said.

If you're in kidney failure, stem cell therapy is an option you might consider. Talk to your doctor. It’s currently not covered by insurance, and can be expensive. Fortunately, medication and lifestyle changes can also help treat renal disease.

Following a renal-friendly diet low in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein, can help manage this condition. And we’ve made it easy with our selection of healthy and delicious Renal Meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.