Being Social Makes You Happier at Any Age


Senior centers sometimes have a bad rap. Even though many are a vital part of a community that brings people together and looks after the aging, nobody really wants to be reminded that they’re old. Right? After all, you might not feel old.

And who says getting old means you have to stay at home, take up knitting and play pinochle? The 76.4-million-and-growing Baby Boomer population is living longer, and wants to do a lot more than sit around. And that’s why senior centers across the country are being re-imagined, sometimes even dropping “Senior” from the title to remind people you’re really only as young as you feel.

For example, people over the age of 50 like to frequent Mather’s-More Than a Café in Chicago to drink coffee and catch up with friends, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s also a place where Baby Boomers congregate to take classes to learn about things like arranging flowers, Egyptian history, Internet tools and safety, line dancing, music, and even architecture.

It’s a social hub for seniors who are thriving. And it’s good for your health. In a recent study published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, researchers found that older people who have an active social life and support network of friends are physically and mentally healthier.

Now you can find places where seniors meet that offer a lot more than bingo and potlucks. Like what? Fitness classes, speed dating, hands-on cooking and nutrition classes. Some hubs for people over 50 even include swimming pools, hot tubs, movie theaters, art classes,  trips, and even virtual classes for people who aren’t able to leave home.

Being social makes you happier and healthier. And so does eating healthy food. Want to invite your friends over for dinner? Need to bring a dish to a party? Or just want to enjoy a healthy meal without the hassle of cooking and clean-up? We can help. Just pick your favorite entrees from our Senior-Friendly menu and enjoy.