Low-Carb Diet Can Help Control Blood Sugar Levels


Eat fewer carbs. You’ve heard the advice before to help you manage your blood sugar levels.

And it makes sense, right? Your body converts carbs into sugars for energy. And the carbs that aren’t used get stored as fat.

Eating fewer carbs helps prevent those rapid spikes in blood sugar levels you want to avoid. Low-carb eating can also help you lose weight or at least avoid tipping the scale in the wrong direction.

But is a low-carb diet a cure for type 2 diabetes?

In a recent study, researchers found that people who followed a low-carb diet were able to reverse diabetes within six months.

In the study, many people achieved normal blood sugar levels. And the low-carb dieters lost an average of 7.5 pounds. But the results didn’t last.

By the 12-month mark, blood sugar levels started to rise to diabetic levels again for many people.

The study didn’t explain why. But researcher Dr. Grant Brinkworth says, restrictive diets are hard to stick to for long periods of time.

But if you’re trying to get your diabetes under control, following a low-carb diet, with advice from your doctor, may be a smart plan.

"The findings of this study suggest, at least in the short term up to six months, that people with type 2 diabetes could consider a low-carb diet as a treatment option," says Brinkworth.

Wondering how to make following a Diabetic-Friendly meal-plan easier?

Eat fewer carbs. That means you should avoid most sugary junk foods and drinks, along with foods high in carbs like bread, rice, and pasta.

That’s a start on what to avoid. But what can you eat?

Check out the Diabetic-Friendly menu of meals, all made from fresh ingredients and ready to eat in minutes. Pick your favorites, and enjoy.