Limit Red Meat and Dairy to Lose Weight

Ever heard of the Food Pyramid, My Plate, or The Healthy Eating Plate?
These are three of the most common tools created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Harvard University to help you improve your diet and your health.
And what about all the other weight loss diets out there? Most weight loss plans and diets share similarities like cutting calories, eating more fruits and vegetables, and drinking more water.
But it can get a little complicated to follow all the rules and guidelines of a restrictive diet. It’s why a lot of people who try and lose weight end up losing weight and gaining it back. If a diet or eating plan is too restrictive or too complex, it’s tough to stick with it.
Is there an easier, less complicated way to lose weight? That’s what researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wanted to find out.
In a lab-controlled study, they found that eating less branched-chain amino acids (typically found in red meat, dairy products, and soy), helped support weight loss and fat reduction. And it didn’t matter if a high-fat, high-calorie diet was part of the equation. Cutting back on BCAAs made a difference.
Your body needs BCAAs to support brain function, metabolism, organ function, and regulate blood sugar levels and insulin. But most people get more than enough from red meats and dairy products.
Researchers believe reducing BCAAs has a direct impact on a specific hormone that responds by increasing energy consumption, or the amount of calories you burn.
Practicing portion control, tracking calories, and making healthy food choices are still valid nutritional strategies to lose weight and maintain a healthy. But it’s not the only way. If you cut back on BCAAs, you may find it to be a less complicated way to control your weight than other diets and eating plans.
Looking for ways to eat healthy to manage your weight? Check out the selection of nearly 100 entrees, meals, and snacks created specifically to help you practice Portion Control.