How to Maintain a Healthy Weight After Weight Loss


Congratulations— you’ve worked hard to lose weight, and you finally achieved your goals! Here are some tips on how to maintain weight after weight loss and continue practicing your healthy habits.

Prepare for those Busy Days

Preparation is essential for success, no matter what your goals are. To maintain your healthy weight, make sure you prepare for those busy or stressful days when food and cooking might not be your top priority. If you know that you’ll have one of those weeks, meal prep and grocery shop the weekend before. Prepare some healthy snacks that you can quickly grab when you feel hungry. offers healthy and delicious portion-controlled meals that help you stay on track even on busy days.

Remember Your “Why”

Everybody has a reason for wanting to lose weight in the first place. Whether you have health reasons or want to feel more confident in your own skin, use those reasons as your motivation. Remember why you started this journey and how you feel now that you’ve lost the weight. Do you feel healthier? Do you have more confidence? Maybe you’ve discovered some benefits that you didn’t even consider at the beginning of your journey. Write them down and look back on them when you need some extra motivation.

Keep a Food Diary

Some find it helpful to keep a food diary or log their meals into a food-tracking app. This method may have even helped you lose weight in the first place, but there are benefits to continuing it for weight maintenance as well. Writing down what you eat is an effective way to monitor how many calories you’re eating throughout the day. It helps you become more mindful of your snacking habits, which you otherwise might not be aware of.

Be Kind to Yourself

Weight loss is a long journey, and you should be proud that you made it! Now that your goal is managing the weight, remember not to be too anxious or hard on yourself if the scale goes slightly up. That’s normal, and it’s no reason to feel discouraged!