High Uric Acid May Speed the Need for Dialysis
If your body is producing an excess amount of uric acid, and your kidneys are having a hard time eliminating it, you might not know it until something serious happens. High levels of uric acid can lead to gout, joint pain, and inflammation, and it could trigger a painful bout of kidney stones. A blood test or urine test can determine if you have elevated levels of uric acid.
In some cases, high levels of uric acid are caused by conditions like leukemia, thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders, and some medications. But in most cases, diet and lifestyle habits are frequently the source of abnormal levels of uric acid. Your body creates uric acid from digesting certain foods and drinks.
People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have a problem with elevated levels of uric acid. If you consume a lot of caffeine, alcohol, meats, and seafood, you may develop elevated levels of uric acid. And if your kidneys aren't functioning properly, you may also develop increased uric acid levels.
If that happens, losing weight and improving your diet can help control uric acid. But once you develop elevated levels of uric acid, it may increase your need for dialysis treatments, according to a study published in the journal BMC Nephrology. If you have elevated levels of uric acid, dialysis treatments do the work your kidneys can't and remove excess uric acid. And it can have a dramatic effect on reducing pain associated with gout and help lower the risk for future kidney stones.
If your doctor finds that you do have higher than normal levels of uric acid, follow his/her instructions to take medication, begin dialysis treatment if necessary, and eat healthy. Healthy meals by MagicKitchen.com designed for people with limited kidney function or undergoing dialysis treatments include dishes like Chicken Marsala with Rice & Peas & Carrots, Sweet and Sour Chicken with Zucchini & Onion Sauté, and the Italian-Style Chicken Breast (Caponata) with Orzo & Spinach.