The 5 Perks of Growing Older


The average lifespan of an adult in the United States is 78.74 years. But if you're active, eat healthy foods, have a social network, and see your doctor at least once a year, you're likely to live a lot longer.

At 80 years old, Gary Player is still a professional golfer. Stanislaw Kowalski is still competing in track and field events at 106 years old. And Betty White is still acting in movies and TV shows at 92 years old. While getting older might have a downside, there are some perks to growing older.

Better Focus on What's Important

As you age, you start to see the world from a different perspective. A perspective that can only be garnered from years of experience. As the years go by, most people shift their focus to what's most important like being happy, doing things you love, and worrying less about what others think.

Easier to Keep Emotions in Check

You can probably look back on times in your life when something small seemed to turn the world upside down. Car problems, financial woes, challenges in a relationship, family matters. It's just life, and it's easy to get emotional about the ups and downs it delivers. But when you're older, it's easier to keep your emotions in check and realize things usually work out.

Headaches Happen Less Often

Growing older does have its own set of challenges. But for most people, it's just not as stressful as the years you spent working or raising a family. As you age, research shows headaches, especially migraines occur less often too. That's a perk to growing older.

More Self-Confidence

When you've been in your own skin long enough, you start to recognize your true self. You know what you're capable of. You know what you're good at. And you're a lot better at making choices that will help you be happy, grow and develop, instead of worrying about what others think. More self-confidence, another great perk to getting older and wiser.

Love of Learning Never Ends

Most people who live a long and healthy life never stop learning. For example, Nola Ochs graduated from college at the age of 96. She earned a bachelor's degree in general studies and history, and received her diploma in the same graduating ceremony as her 21-year-old granddaughter. Today, Nola is 104 years old, and is still learning new things. Want to learn something new? You're never too old to try.

What have you learned along the way that's improved your life? That's a great topic to discuss with your family over dinner that will only take minutes to prepare from our Senior-Friendly menu of entrees, side dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.