Dialysis Meals Delivered to Your Doorstep

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Dialysis Meals by MagicKitchen.com

Our Complete Meals Dialysis Friendly Special Diet Meals are designed to be healthy and delicious for a dialysis diet. We limit the amount of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, and offer an option of low or high protein. Typically a dialysis patient requires higher protein meals. Each meal has a main course and either one or two side dishes. Try our prepared meal delivery for dialysis patients today! We limit the amount of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, and offer an option of low or high protein. Typically a dialysis patient requires higher protein meals. Each dialysis-friendly meal has a main course and either one or two side dishes.

  • Easy to Re-heat in the Microwave or Oven
  • Low in Sodium <700mg (although most are <500mg)
  • Low in Potassium <700mg
  • Low in Phosphorus <350mg
  • Variety of Moderate (<25g) to High Protein (>25g) Meals
  • Dialysis meals can be purchased in Meal Packs with a variety of 7 meals, or individually
  • You can see the Nutritional information by clicking on the product name.

Call toll free (1-877-516-2442) to order meals. No contracts are required, start and stop at any time!


Benefits of Dialysis Meals from MagicKitchen.com

How it Works


Browse our two menus: A LA CARTE and COMPLETE MEALS. We cover a great variety of diets.


You can place a single order with no commitment and no contracts.


We deliver your flash-frozen, nutritious and delicious meals right to your door!

Trust Pilot

Our Menu of Dialysis Meals

Meal delivery for people on Dialysis- that's what our CEO, Greg Miller, was told he needed to start selling. Our customers loved our meals, and many people on dialysis called in saying they wanted to participate as well. That's when Greg got together with our chefs and dietitians and created the Complete Meals Dialysis Meals line.

A dialysis diet is one where you want to manage your potassium and phosphate intake, as well as lowering your sodium intake to help control thirst and to keep away edema. You can eat a good amount of protein, as long as it is "quality" protein. That means lean meats, fish, poultry and eggs.

You've talked to your dietitian or nutritionist by now, and have a general idea of what your diet should be like, but wouldn't it be nice to not have to think about it a few nights a week? That's where our meals become a great part of your lifestyle. Order individually or by meal pack of 7 meals, and take it easy now and then. Just take one out of the freezer, heat it in the microwave, and dinner (or lunch) is served. Keep your diet healthy with dialysis food delivery from Magic Kitchen.

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What are Dialysis Friendly Meals?

Dialysis is a treatment where a machine replicates the work the kidneys usually do. When a person's kidneys, for any reason, can no longer function correctly, an artificial kidney does the work. Many patients go to a clinic two to five times a week to have this done. Each treatment lasts about four hours.

While on this treatment program, it is very important for patients to follow a specific diet, in order to keep their health. People on a dialysis friendly diet usually need to limit Phosphorus, Potassium (although there is some controversy about potassium in a dialysis diet), sodium and fluids. MagicKitchen.com dialysis-friendly meals take care of this for you.

Limiting Phosphorus

Phosphorus is used by our bodies along with calcium to build healthy bones and teeth. When your kidneys aren't functioning correctly, phosphorus can build up in your body, leading to health issues like muscle pain, itching eyes, muscle weakness. Low levels of phosphorus in the blood is called hyperphosphatemia, and it can lead to serious health problems.

That's why a person on dialysis is given phosphate binders, which won't allow your body to absorb as much phosphate, and why they have monthly blood tests to test their phosphorus levels.

Limiting Potassium

Potassium controls nerve function in our bodies. It helps our hearts beat. It helps us grow muscle. But too much of it can affect our heart rhythms and even cause sudden death. Again, it is a substance that broken kidneys can't get rid of efficiently. So it's important in the dialysis diet to eat as little as possible. The American Kidney Organization has a chart of high potassium and low potassium foods. A general rule of thumb is to avoid dairy products and salt substitutes, rinse canned fruit, and leach high-potassium vegetables to remove some of the potassium.

On a normal diet, a healthy amount of potassium is about 3500 to 4500 milligrams per day. A potassium restricted diet allows about 2000 milligrams per day. Healthy kidneys, which do so much, also remove excess potassium in the body. Kidneys that no longer work can't do this, so it's necessary to restrict it.

Limiting Fluids

Dialysis helps remove fluids that your body can no longer get rid of. Restricting sodium and limiting fluid intake go hand in hand. Eat too much sodium, you get thirsty. Then you drink too much, and you retain that fluid. Then the dialysis machine has more fluid to remove.

Ask your dietitian how much fluid you are allowed daily. Typically it's about 36 ounces per day when on dialysis. That's only 8½ cups. And keep in mind, anything that becomes a liquid at room temperature counts as a liquid. So ice, JELL-O®, ice cream or sherbet and soup or broth all count.

There are a lot of barriers to limiting fluid. Many people say they don't worry about it because dialysis will take care of it. Others say it's just too hard, if they can't drink, it's all they think about. Still others say they think they aren't drinking very much at all, but when they get to dialysis they find they overdid it.

Patients just like yourselves have found important methods to help ensure they keep to the amounts they are supposed to drink. A study showed that more knowledge was a powerful tool. Doing some study, or talking to a professional about the way the kidneys work, the role of dialysis, and what will happen if you don't adhere to the regimen...this has helped many people to stay on course.

Tips to get through the day

  • If you are taking a lot of pills and don't want to waste most of your fluid allowance taking them, try this- put a pill in your mouth, take a small sip of liquid, tilt your head back and let the pill float to the back of your throat, then swallow.
  • If you're thirsty, suck on a hard candy. Make it sugar-free if you're diabetic. Sugar-free gum is another option.
  • Brush your teeth often, it will help keep your mouth from drying out.
  • Measure out some ice chips and chew on them. Remember to include them in your fluid count.
  • You can measure out your water for the day and put it into a container. That's a good way of keeping track.


If you're on dialysis, listen to your doctor and nutritionist. Write down what they say, research it, talk to friends. This is a diet that needs to become your new lifestyle. It will help to keep you alive and give you better quality of life. MagicKitchen.com can help in the form of frozen dialysis friendly meals.