Low Calorie Meals Delivered to Your Door

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Low Calorie Meals by MagicKitchen.com

Calories. Simple science. A calorie is a unit of heat or energy. Expend more calories than you ingest, and weight loss should occur, right? This is all true, but not as easy as it sounds. There are literally hundreds of diets out there, including some super-low-calorie ones that can actually harm your health.

The best approach is to eat smaller portions of natural, healthy foods, and exercise more. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains like brown rice, whole grain breads, and whole oats (whole oats are particularly good for the heart because they are rich in avenanthramide, an antioxidant.) To get an idea of how many calories you are taking in, you can use any number of free online tools, such as Eat This Much, VeryWell Fitness Recipe Analyzer, or My Fitness Pal.

Exercise is the next step, or more aptly, should go in lockstep with eating better. You don't have to join a gym or buy a bunch of fitness gear. Start slowly, walking as much as you feel comfortable doing. If you have bad joints, walking in the shallow end of a pool is great exercise. The water is easy on your joints, and you are walking against resistance, which makes the exercise harder.

If you're fit enough to join in an aquasize class, you will enjoy exercising with other like-minded people. Joy and movement in the water will give you more energy for the day. Other easy exercises are shown on our exercise page. Check out youtube for more, you'll find something suited to your mood and energy level. Dancing anyone? Youtube has free videos for everything from yoga and pilates to boxing workouts.

Let weight loss become a lifestyle, with easy portioned meals from MagicKitchen.com. Our calorie-controlled meal delivery service makes your life easier. Each meal has a nutritional label, so you can see what the calorie count is. Our low calorie, chef-prepared meals come fully cooked, frozen, and are quick to reheat in the microwave or oven. Keep the cooking down, we have breakfast, lunch and supper covered!

Benefits of Low Calorie Meals

How it Works


Browse our two menus: A LA CARTE and COMPLETE MEALS. We cover a great variety of diets.


You can place an order with no commitment and no contracts.


We deliver your flash-frozen, nutritious and delicious meals right to your door!

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Our Menu of Low Calorie Meals

Eat healthy, and enjoy dinner at home with chef-prepared diet meals delivered nationwide! If you're frustrated with playing the weight loss game, it's time to shake up your diet. After all, weight loss isn't your primary goal, your good health is!

MagicKitchen.com's Complete Meals are the answer. Delicious full meals that are low carb and strictly portion controlled. The meals are nutritionist designed and are portion controlled, but still delicious and filling.

If you're watching your weight, trying to lose weight or just eating healthier, these are the meals for you. There are no contracts and we cover shipping.

Low-calorie meal delivery service from MagicKitchen.com

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it's about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible.

With MagicKitchen.com's low calorie home delivery meals, prepared meals from professional chefs are delivered right to your door. Our meals and bundles offer fast easy weight-loss meals that support any healthy lifestyle. The meals are based on correct portion control with balanced fat and carbs, and tons of flavor to keep you satisfied!

Healthy eating begins with learning how to "eat smart" — it's not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.

People often think of healthy eating as an all or nothing proposition, but a key foundation for any healthy diet is moderation.  Despite what certain fad diets would have you believe, we all need a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to sustain a healthy body.

MagicKitchen.com offers a variety or meals that can fit into a weight loss plan while keeping you healthy with our Complete Meals Menu.  These meals are designed to be tasty, nutritious and satisfying, while portion controlled and lower in sodium for healthy eating.  For more information, please visit our low calorie menu.



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