Post Discharge Meals

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Post Discharge Meals

Health Insurance Companies are finding significantly reduced readmissions by providing recently discharged patients with healing meals after being sent home from their hospital stay. Reason being, is that many times the newly released patient returns to an empty home, with an often-empty cupboards and refrigerator, not having healthy food to help the body regenerate after the hospital stay.

By providing limited post-discharge healing meals (Typically 10 days’ worth of meals-either 1 or 2 meals per day) there are significant advantages to both the patient and the Insurance Company. There have been several respected studies on the topic and Health Insurance Companies are seeing a reasonable decrease in readmissions in the 11% - 12%+ range. For Insurance Companies this is money out of their pocket since readmissions for the same health issue are paid for by the Insurance Company not CMS, if they occur within a short period of time. provides healthy, quality and tasty post-discharge meals for a large number of special diets and can get these meals delivered to your members anywhere in the continental United States within a few days. We are proud to step up with our dietitian designed meals for the frail, elderly or at-risk populations to help them sustain a healthier life!!

Post discharge meal packs are delivered to a patients’ home for many medical conditions to help them stay healthy through the recovery period.

For information on how healing medical meal delivery could be used with your Health Insurance Company, please contact your Healthcare Company.

The Meals


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How it Works


Browse our two menus: A LA CARTE and COMPLETE MEALS. We cover a great variety of diets.


You can place a single order or set up a MEAL PROGRAM with no commitment and no contracts.


We deliver your flash-frozen, nutritious and delicious meals right to your door!

Want more Information? Call Toll free: 877-516-2442.

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